Saturday, February 19, 2005

Google-stalking and hiding in plain sight

When I started this blog it was a whimsical opportunity to vent and speak my mind without getting myself into trouble. I realize that most of what I have written about has been hardly controversial, although much of it intensely personal. Although I have some readers who don't know me in my real life, and a few who know me all too well, largely I am writing to myself. Not a bad thing, of course, and a creative discipline which has given me greater energy in all areas of my life.

Since becoming a blogger and blog-reader, I admit to some google-stalking. I google the names of people I know, some of whom have moved to other areas of the country, to try to find out if they have blogs. Then I read them and enjoy the peek at where their lives have taken them, while at the same time feeling a bit like a peeping tom. I also have my favorite personal reads, most of whom are people I don't know, but I feel like I know them more personally than many in my circle of acquaintances. People like the bloggers behind: Lily's Pad, Relevant Blog, What Would Jesus Blog, Deep Soil

Maintaining my anonymity while wishing to increase my audience puts me in a funny position. All the people that I would naturally invite to read my students, my colleagues, my friends, my church, are all the people that would cause me to censor myself. Again, I understand that what I have written is far from wild and wooly-- it's neither laden with admissions of pornography addiction, nor filled with the exploits of my taste for smoking illegal Cuban cigars. I do express my concern for the role of women in ministry, my dissatisfaction with church as usual, my desire to be part of the emergent church conversation, which are, I suppose, controversial in certain conservative circles, but would hardly surprise those who know me. I also go on and on about my husband and my kids and how wonderful they are, but again, no surprise there. I remember old stories from college, and touch on some of the deep grief and deep redemption I have experienced throughout my life... What am I hiding???

Micah Girl


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